On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 08:38:42AM -0400, Uri Abramov wrote:
> Hi, 
> I have two questions :
> 1. Is it possible to add new administrative file under CVSROOT in such way that it 
> would be treated by cvs as it treads it's native administrative files. I mean always 
> keep in repository  file,v and file. If it' possible how can I do it ?
> 2. I'd like CVS send email to every developer who works on certain project when 
> someone from them remove, add or change file, and more than that I'd like to send in 
> the email the diff between old and new versions of a file. Does anybody knows how it 
> can be done?
> If yes How ?

google activitymail 
> Thanks in advance.
> Uri
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