Well, I want to say thank you to all who posted regarding my query regarding dir 
versioning.  That was a heck of a discussion.  My resulting perspective:  CVS seems 
innapropriate for our real world needs, preferring instead to serve a "purer" 
versioning paradigm.  (A paradigm which, by the way, seems too complex for me to 
easily understand.)

To recap, I was looking for:
  - the complete history and versioning of every individual file
  - the ability to recreate dir structures, including hard and
    symbolic links

These 2 things would have allowed me to checkout our whole ERP dir structure as of a 
given date.  Sweet!  

Greg says to use the right tool for the right job.  Well, I wish CVS were the right 
tool, because the two "right tools" I've read about have real problems!

ClearCase costs a lot of money.  I mean a *lot* of money.  Now, my organization might 
pay for it, or they might not, I don't know.  We are a University in the USA, so we do 
have money.  But I guarantee most of this world would never in a million years be able 
to pay that sort of money.  So while my org might get by, the rest of the world 
suffers for the lack of an open source solution.

My own custom build tool, wrapped around CVS:
Gimme a break.  It's taken our ERP vendor a decade (more?) to evolve their current ... 
um...  way of doing things.  I'm pretty good at hacking and munging, but I am not 
prepared to try and automate all of the linking and the recreation of the other 
inconsistent results of their upgrade scripts upon CVS checkout.  No, I need a tool 
that can simply capture the *results* of their way of doing things and leave it at 

In conclusion, I know I have little choice but to follow Greg's advice.  I'll use CVS 
for my little perl modules, but I'll be sorry to report to my boss that CVS won't work 
for our ERP versioning project.


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