On Sun, Jun 08, 2003 at 13:07:59 -0400, Greg A. Woods sent 1.5K bytes:
> [ On , June 8, 2003 at 10:46:45 (+0300), Stephen Biggs wrote: ]
> > Subject: Re: Command-line multi-line messages for commit
> >
> > Actually, your method sounds to me much more painful because I have to
> > learn how to use sed to do this and run and test the wrapper script over
> > and over again until I debug it due to my limited expertise in coding
> > shell scripts, living with bogus messages in a junk repository until I
> > get it right.  My way is quicker and much simpler for me as long as I
> > remember to put the quotes right.
> Why the heck don't you use a proper command shell and then you can just
> type multi-line comments right there on the command-line!?!?!?
>       cvs commit -m 'first line
>       second line
>       third line' filname.c
> I.e. DO NOT use 'csh'.  It is the source of your problems.  Use a POSIX
> compatible shell instead (e.g. sh or ksh or one of their close variants).

Properness and POSIX compliance aside, csh (and tcsh)  handle this fine,
although the method looks a little different:

        % cvs commit -m 'first line \
        ? second line \
        ? third line' filename.c

'%' and '?' are prompts.  



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