> cvs [login aborted]: unrecognized auth response from <machine>: cvs
> pserver: cannot open <dir>/CVS/CVSROOT/config: Permission denied

You're running the server from [x]inetd as root, right?  If so, that
error means that *root* doesn't have permission to access that
directory, not you.  That in turn implies that your repository is on an
NFS-mounted filesystem which is a major mistake: it's just asking for
trouble, and you're already getting it.  By default, NFS maps root to an
ordinary user (typically "nobody" in the group "nogroup") who doesn't
have permission to access your repository.  It probably wouldn't hurt to
give everyone read permission on the CVSROOT directory and its contents,
but you're much better off moving your repository to a local disk.

-Larry Jones

It's no fun to play games with a poor sport. -- Calvin

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