Pedro Salazar writes:
> On specific time in my main branch, I decided to add a new file. Before
> I add the new file to the main branch, should I tag with a symbolic name
> or should I create a new branch where should exist the file?

That's entirely up to you.

> For instance, if I don't add a new branch, I'll have to tag my module to
> a reference without that file. Suppose if I want to get a previous
> release where the new file has not been added I must have a tag or a
> branch to avoid get all the files if some are from future revisions...

If you want to get a previous release, you either need to have a tag or
you need to get it by date.  In either case, CVS won't include files
from the future.

-Larry Jones

I sure wish I could get my hands on some REAL dynamite. -- Calvin

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