I am not sure if this is the right mailing list but I
have the following problem.
I installed CVSWebNT on my Win2K Server and after some
playing around it did work. Now, suddenly out of the
blue it does not work any more. The error message is
the following (rlog is on the sys path)

Error: Failed to spawn GNU rlog on

I have noticed the // just before the file and removed
it to a single / -- no success -- then I replaced the
/ with a \ -- no success. The rlog command being run
in cvswebnt.cgi is the follwoing:

open($fh, "rlog \"" . $filenames . "\" 2>nul |")  

but when I type same command on the cmd line :

C:\>rlog "e:\cvsrepo\sds\dev\archiver.log4j,v"
rlog: e:\cvsrepo\sds\dev\RCS/archiver.log4j,v: No such
file or directory

I see a RCS folder being put in to the string? Why? Is
this the cause??


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