Why not do a recursive diff on both checkout dirs:

diff -r ./tmp/ ./tmp2/

Output would look something like this :

Only in tmp2/: bla
diff -r tmp/index.html.1 tmp2/index.html.1
> fds

Rob Helmer

On Wed, Sep 10, 2003 at 11:26:00AM +0300, Stephen Biggs wrote:
> Is there any easy way to do a full diff of two checked out trees from
> different repositories?
> The way I am doing it now is to export both trees (with -kk) so I don't
> have the CVS directories and then do a command line diff between the two
> local trees.
> What I would like to do is to be able to act upon the actual CVS
> sandboxes, but then the CVS directories and the info tags mess up the
> compare.
> Does anybody know of any simple scripts written for just this purpose?
> Thanks for any help.
> Steve Biggs
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