Kevin Layer writes:
> cvs [server aborted]: CHANGE-LOG,v is ambiguous; could mean CHANGE-LOG,v or 
> change-log,v

CVS was designed for case-sensitive file systems and has never quite
worked entirely correctly on case-insensitive file systems.  Client/
server mode where one system is case sensitive and the other is not is
even more problematic.  CVS 1.11.6 generally complains about the
situation rather than quietly doing what may be the wrong thing.

Unfortunately, once you've gotten yourself into this mess, there's no
good way out.  The only solution is to rename one of the files in the
repository so the names don't clash, but that means that checking out an
old version doesn't really give you the old version.

-Larry Jones

He's just jealous because I accomplish so much more than he does. -- Calvin

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