Sorry for the ascii graphic in advance . . .

If you have (* indicates merge point):

branchA and branchB originated from trunk at point 1.
branchA merged to trunk at point 2 on branchA and 2' on trunk.
branchA then merged to branchB at point 3 on branchA and 3' on branchB.
Now, we want to merge branchB (point 4) to the trunk (4').

              branchA  2    3
         1 /           \     \           4'
trunk ------------------*---- \ ---------*---->
           \            2'     \        /
              branchB           3'     4

I think you want the common ancestor of the current branchB tip and
trunk tip.  That would be point2 on branchA.  (This is assuming you
did a full merges, not just a few changes, from A->trunk and A->B.)
So assuming you put tags down to keep track of the merge points, you
might try (on the trunk):

cvs update -j point2 -j point4

It looks like my point2 is your "first child merge point" and "second
child" is the tip of branchB (where you put a tag before the merge).

Which changes before the "first child merge point" are you wondering

Jamie Wellnitz

On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 11:06:44AM -0500, David Wood wrote:
> Let me try to put it another way.
> I have a parent branch, and it has two child branches. If I want one child 
> to merge to the parent, and then to the other child, how does that other 
> child later merge to the parent as well?
> Is it (on the parent): update -j first_child_merge_point -j second child
> If so, what happens to changes from before the first_child_merge_point?
> -David
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