On 17.12.2003 10:01:22 "Paul Gelderblom \(ptok\)" wrote:
>> I normaly don't want to use locking on the cvs archive.
>> On Windows projects I think it's simplier to use strickt locking on
>> the resource and the corrosponding header file. Merging changes in
>> that files does not make happy anyone :-)
>> If not how can I enshure that these files can only be checked out
>> locked?
>> Files should be read only upon someone uses cvs edit. Noone should be
>> to use a cvs edit upon the first editor uses cvs unedit.
>Use Noel Yaps edit -c patch (it is builtin for cvsnt; for the *x version
>you must apply it yourself) and do a 'cvs watch on' on the Resource.h
>See my post to this list of December 10 this year.
>If you're interested, I can post a script which does the watch on
>for filenames matching a certain regex, when they are first added to the
>Paul Gelderblom
Im new to cvs but I thought using cvs admin -l <file> would enshure that the
user normaly gets a read only copy by checkout or update. If he wants to
edit he has to use cvs edit / cvs unedit. If i creadte a repository for a
module and use cvs admin -L
<module> the module uses strickt locking. I worked with some tools like
igloo for integration into M$ VC and WinCVS and there I only had read only
working files upto the time I used cvs edit.
For what are the patches or scripts used?
I'm running cvs as pserver on a linux machine, the clients are running M$
I'll try what happens if I use cvs admin -l on the resource files but
testing is not understanding and I want to understand the system.
If cvs admin -l on the special files works, how can I automate this for
files named resource.h and resource.rc.


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