[Red Hat 7.1, CVS 1.11.10]

I've been trying to check in a *big* change over pserver and getting some nasty crashes from CVS (which unfortunately I did not take a note of - "System exit 11"?). Eventually I discovered that this particular client machine had an older version of CVS on it - 1.10.8 - and put it down to that.

So I FTP'd the big change across to the server machine and tried again, but I'm seeing some Weird Stuff:

* I have some files which cvs status shows as "locally modified" but cvs -n commit does not list. If I do cvs commit without the -n, though, that's okay.

* CVS keeps telling me that it's waiting for a lock to be freed. No-one else is using CVS, though. As per the manual, I'm deleting the lock files. But I've never had this problem before.

Do I have a corrupt repository?

If so, can it be repaired? I can restore a backup of the repository if necessary, but if there's an easier way...

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