As specified the  permissions ^^ are intact as it should be ... need to be checked again.
Secondly try out looking for the stale lock file in the lock-directory defined.
Gurpreet S
-----Original Message-----
From: George Abraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 9:50 AM
Subject: Permission Denied on Commit

I've been trying to advocate CVS for configuration control management in my organisation. I have set up the cvs server and access to the repository by SSH. One of the developers has pointed out an error which is not allowing him to check in a file.

cvs commit -m b MSDConstants.java (in directory D:\checkout\EKMIS\Source Code\Java\com\emirates\ekmis\flightoperations\monthlystationdetails\interfaces\)
Checking in MSDConstants.java;
/var/cvs/ekmis/EKMIS/Source Code/Java/com/emirates/ekmis/flightoperations/monthlystationdetails/interfaces/MSDConstants.java,v  <--  MSDConstants.java
new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1
cvs [commit aborted]: could not open lock file `/var/cvs/ekmis/EKMIS/Source Code/Java/com/emirates/ekmis/flightoperations/monthlystationdetails/interfaces/,MSDConstants.java,': Permission denied

***** CVS exited normally with code 1 *****

We're using WinCVS as the client. I have checked the file and directory permissions for the file in question and everything is fine. I searched for any lock files, but couldn't find any. What could be the issue?

George Abraham

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