Well, I would like to extended my thanks to:

Jim Hyslop, Mark D. Baushke and David R. Chase. I am appreciate that you
guys take time to respond.

1. I will setting up a newer server with the same name and the same
/Repository file system as the old one.
2. Notify to all my users that CVS server will be down about 4 hours or
so. Tell them that this is for system upgrade (Hardware.)
3. Then take old server off line, then tar its Repository.
4. Connecting these two server by Crossover CAT5 for cp and untar new
5. After the new CVS server untar is done. Turn it on line, but users
still not allow to accessing it, this is done by Network blocking subnet.
6. Two or three of my developers with do check out and and check in for
testing. (The old server is still there with the same name, but offline.)
This step need to be done throughly so that won't cause me any headaches
later on.

Thus I am so thankfully, that you guys have time to replied.

This give me more time to think and thought into the whole process.

Again, thank you you all.


PS: My OS is Redhat 9.0 with up to date patches. The only different is cvs
version. The old cvs server is : cvs-1.11-3 and the newer version will be:
cvs-1.11.2-13.rpm. This is a up2date package from Redhat.

> David R. Chase [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Just wondering what minor problems you had, just in case they
>> might pertain
>> to other peoples' migration strategies (or my own someday)?
> Well, our situation was much more complex than "Courier's". Not only did
> we
> upgrade the server hardware, we went from FreeBSD to a Sun workstation,
> and
> upgraded the server version from a very old 1.10.[something] to 1.11.5 We
> have several remote repositories that mirror portions of the main
> repository, and our main repository mirrors portions of the remote
> repositories. We also have developed a client/server utility (LCVS -
> "Leitch
> extensions to CVS") that runs in conjunction with CVS, to provide some
> functionality that the stock CVS program doesn't - the ability for users
> to
> change their own passwords, or the ability to execute an 'ls' command in
> the
> current directory, for example.
> Most of the minor glitches we encountered had to do with porting the LCVS
> utility to Sun, while maintaining FreeBSD compatibility (the remote
> repositories still run FreeBSD). Setting up permissions is sufficiently
> different on Sun than on FreeBSD (don't ask me the details - I'm not a
> sysadmin) that we had to do some fine-tuning.

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