> What are the pros and cons of concurrent editing?. CVS supports and 
> advocates concurrent editing, whereas configuration tools like VSS use the 
> "locked" model of editing, to which the developers are very much used to. 
> What are the benefits of concurrent editing ( using CVS ) and what 
> problems could arise? 
In my experience, concurrent editing happens.  When Jane is working on the
next major feature, Edward is going to get this request for a quick bug
fix, if nothing else.  Or Bill and Nancy are working on different
features, but they both require making minor changes to three programs
in common.

What tools like VSS do in this case is force you to work around them.
Jane releases the file, Edward changes it, then Jane grabs it again
and has to incorporate Edward's fix.  (I've seen people in Jane's
position forget to incorporate those fixes, also.  It's real easy
to copy the changed file over and forget to merge in the fix.)

CVS encourages this sort of thing, and supports it.  In CVS,
Jane picks up Edward's change automatically, and the tool supports
the merging of fixes.

While there are some software practices that are best avoided, and
which you do not want your tools to encourage, concurrent editing
cannot be avoided in general, and it is best if your tools support it.

Now building a CVS reference site at http://www.thornleyware.com

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