This is a good application of a release integration process.  Periodically
pull sources and build them in a place that other developers can reference.
You'll find that software reuse by way of header files and the linker is
far superior to sharing source code.  The trade-off is that you need to
manage your baselines and coordinate with your developers when to update
their workspaces.

--- Forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We have some core code which many people use but basically one guy =
maintains.  I'd like
to give common users a way to grab the current C++ library along with =
its header files, as=20
they really don't need or want all the gory details of the .cpp source =


I know I could set up a modules file which listed just these files =
explicitly, but this doesn't work:
> mathstuff -a *.h mathstuff.lib
because the wildcard isn't supported in this context, which means I'd =
have to maintain an explicit .h list.

Furthermore it'd be really nice if the common users got a read-only =
Is this within the scope of source control -- maybe instead I should set =
up a code vault
for compiled and tested code to be retrieved by the common user as =

--- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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