System: Conectiva Linux 8
Cvs: CVS Server 1.11.5
clients WinCVS 1.2
Im geting a problem, but searching the messages history I dont found nothing that answer the questions.
Working in a project that has just imported for the repository. After a checkout I issue the command  "cvs admin -l CVS20030310.xls" and It returns me a 0 state. 
I set the file for edit with cvs edit command, but when I modify the file and try the commit I receive the error...
"multiple revisions locked by d310352; please specify one"
"cvs server: could not check in CVS20030310.xls"
"cvs server: could not"
"unlock /dtp/adm_dados/planilha_cvs/CVS20030310.xls,v"
And exit with code 1.
Trying to trace the problem I look in the "cvs log" command, that shows locks in the revisions 1.1 and When I try to unlock it with "cvs admin -u CVS20030310.xls" I get the same error when on the first commit.
After that I tried to do "cvs admin -u1.1.1.1 CVS20030310.xls". Now There is only one lock for the 1.1 revision. I do the "cvs commit" and all woks fine, the file goes to repository with the 1.2 revision.
I actually work with locks only in the lastest revision with the "cvs admin -l <FILE>". But I encounter this error when I try to lock the vendor revision, even if a pass the revision in the parameter "cvs admin -l1.1.1.1 <FILE>", it always lock the revisions and 1.1 and generate a error on the commit.
For my its no dificult to handle with this, but under this server exist 300 users many of them tryng to do locks in WinCVS and encontering the error. And they dont work so they will not got to solve the problem. The Wincvs send the command "cvs admin -l <FILE>" and "cvs admin -u <FILE>" with no parameters.
So the question is:
 Why CVS locks and 1.1 revision when Im with only one revision on the working copy? I want to lock the initial revision without lock the 1.1 revision!
 So how can I do to avoid my this errors for my users? They are many and theres few people to answer that phone calls...
 I will replicate this message for Info CVS and CVSGUI mailing lists, if possible Reply to both lists too...
Thanks for hlps..
Diego Ribeiro de Andrade
Smart Tech Consulting

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