Sounds like maybe you didn't flag the zips as binary (-kb) in your
repository?  Windows XP would probably try to add CR characters as
files are downloaded because Windows uses CR/LF for line endings
whereas Linux uses just LF.

The rest of this response is not likely to apply, but I'll write it
just in case:  I've seen one XP system that refused to unpack a .zip
file containing actual CVS repository files (ending in ,v).  More
accurately, it would unpack the zip, but only the non-repo files would
show up unpacked; the repo files never came out.  I never saw an error
message either though, so I bet that's a totally different issue from
yours...that and I think you mean "download" to mean retrieving
versions, not whole repository files anyway.

On Thu, Apr 29, 2004 at 06:11:10PM +0200, joman wrote:
> Hi,
> i really hope that someone here can help me.
> I'm using Windows XP verison of Eclipse 2.1.3. and I connect to a remote CVS
> server that is run on a Linux type OS.
> Now when I connect and want to download files, all works fine except when
> downloading .zip type files. Once downloaded I cant unpack them because I
> get told that they are corrupted or something.
> When I do the same connecting from a Linux type System, running eclipse, all
> the zip files download fine and all of them work.
> Can anyone help me with this problem? Its really giving me a headache!
> --- jo
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