At 10:06 AM 5/6/2004, J Krugman wrote:
For reasons that I'm not too clear on, my supervisor has instructed
me that he must review my code before each submission to the off-site
CVS repository, and he wants to do this once a week.  My only
problem with this is that, even when I am the only programmer in
a project, I prefer to keep a finer-grained version control than
is possible with weekly submissions to the repository.

You didn't say what platform you are using: Windows or Unix(-like).

On unix, you can use RCS or SCCS. Either would work in this case. All unix-like systems that I know of come with either RCS or SCCS or both.

Good luck with that boss of yours.

_______________________________________________________________ Frederic W. Brehm, Sarnoff Corporation,

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