Ramanuj Singh wrote:
> To get information about tags and branches created by a 
> particular user, I am giving the command
>   cvs history -T -u username 
> But not getting report on all the tags.
> The -T option is used for generating report on all tags but 
> it is not display all the tags and branches created by a 
> particular user
Ah, so you want to report on all the tags created by a particular user (in
this context, a branch *is* a tag). We could have answered that question the
first time round, if you had just _said_ so ;)

You will have to write a taginfo script. See
https://www.cvshome.org/docs/manual/cvs-1.11.16/cvs_18.html#SEC177 for more

Now, is there any _other_ kind of reporting you want to do?

Jim Hyslop
Senior Software Designer
Leitch Technology International Inc. (http://www.leitch.com)
Columnist, C/C++ Users Journal (http://www.cuj.com/experts)

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