Title: Reports generation in CVS

I have to generate report which displays the name of branch or tag, date on which it was created, the author name and the name of the module on week basis for a project. For eg- The project duration was of three months. Now the report has to be generated on week basis for tags and branches by a particular user. These three months were form march to may.

Don't know how to generate week report for branch and tags. This is one problem and another one is when I give the command

 cvs history -T -u username

This command should generate  reports on all tags and branches for a particular user but it is not reporting for all tags and branches created by that particular user. When I check the history file , the tags and branches which are not being reported are not entered with the tag T in that file.

I want to know how can I get those tags and branches which are not being displayed.
May be this description will help.
Please help me out

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