Iain Freeston wrote:
> Hello, I wonder if anyone can help me.
> I am after a list of Tags made in CVS.
> Looking at the documentation I got the impression I should be 
> viewing the "Taginfo" file, but it doesn't give me the 
> information that I want.
> Can anyone help me please because I think I am well off the 
> mark at the moment.
You're right, you are well off the mark ;-)

taginfo is a hook that allows you to run a specific script when 'cvs tag' or
'cvs rtag' commands are invoked.

If all you want is exactly what you said - a listing of all tags in the
repository - then you can use Brian's suggestion of looking at val-tags. Be
aware that val-tags shows all the tags ever applied to any file in the
repository; tags are never removed. It also does not differentiate between
different modules (which really limits its usefulness, IMO).

Another way to get the tags for a specific project or a specific set of
files is to use 'cvs log -h' or 'cvs status -v'.

Jim Hyslop
Senior Software Designer
Leitch Technology International Inc. (http://www.leitch.com)
Columnist, C/C++ Users Journal (http://www.cuj.com/experts)

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