Okay, I am struggling to convert an RCS based project to CVS, its supposed to be easy, except that this rcs-to-cvs.sh does not cooperate with me.  I have the directory with thedirectory tree with its RCS based files in it, we'll call it ../rcsrepo .  When I attempt:
$sh rcs-tocvs ./rcsrepo
I am told to enter some log information.  I leave this part blank.  Then it procedes to go through the root directory of the rcs repository (../rcsrepo) and outputs:
RCS/perlfile.pl,v  -->  perlfile.pl
revision 1.1
for every file in the directory(every file in the directory has a ,v in the RCS subdirectory(../rcsrepo/RCS).
Then I get an error:
rcs-to-cvs: rcs-to-cvs: not found
I assumed this meant the files were being coped into the cvsrepository, (CVSROOT = /local/cvs/repository/CVSROOT)
but instead it simply creates a directory: /local/cvs/repository/rcsrepo and then /local/cvs/repository/rcsrepo/1stdirectory
with no files in either directory.
Basically what is happening is that the rcs-to-cvs script seems to bomb out when it comes to a directory and issues a
"rcs-to-cvs: rcs-to-cvs: not found" error.  Which is cryptic to say the least, I see no explanation for this behavior in any forum posts or mailing list entries.  What is going on?
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