>-----Original Message-----
>From: Larry Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 3:09 PM
>To: Fouts Christopher (IFNA MP DC)
>Cc: info-cvs@gnu.org
>Subject: Re: Merge question
>> I understand "perfectly" what the cvs command I outlined does.
>It ain't the things you don't know that get you in trouble, 
>it's the things you know that just ain't so.  You do *not* 
>understand what the CVS command you outlined does.

Ouch, but true enough! :)

>> For simplicity, take just 2 users, userA and userB with their 
>> respective branchA and branchB.
>> So to integrate, userB submits his changes to the trunk correct?
>Correct.  To be precise, userB merges his changes into the trunk.
>> This may include "new" files/dirs that userA does NOT have yet. For 
>> userA to pick up these changes, he has to do a
>>      > cvs up -j branchA -j HEAD proj
>> on his current directory structure based on his branchA correct?
>NO!  That *replaces* userA's directory with the current head 
>of the trunk, *ERASING ALL OF USERA'S CHANGES*!  UserA needs 
>to merge the changes from where his branch split from the 
>trunk (or, if he has previously merged changes from the trunk, 
>the last revision he merged
>from) to the head of the trunk:
>       cvs up -j branchA_root -j HEAD proj
>       cvs up -j branchA_last_merge -j HEAD proj
>(Note that both of those tags -- branchA_root and 
>branchA_last_merge are actually on the *trunk*, not on branchA itself.)

This is done in userA's directory structure, which is based on 
branchA correct? So no userA's files now have userB's changes 
right? And now for the trunk to get userA's changes as well I 
do a ...

  > cvs co proj
  > cvs up -j branchA


>-Larry Jones
>It's a Doofus Ignoramus!  Our hero slowly reaches for his stun blaster!
>-- Calvin

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