[ On Thursday, February 3, 2005 at 00:29:31 (-0800), Paul Sander wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: 'cvs add' client/server semantics (was Re: Triggers)
> Many shops seem to think that it's reasonable to allow users to commit 
> code only after it has successfully compiled.

In fact I happen to agree with that partciular policy and I try to
follow it as well as I can even on my private projects.

However just because a new file appears doesn't mean it's immediately
going to be used in the build -- quite the opposite as it normally
won't, at least not with any sane build system I would use.

I.e. your argument about not immediately committing new, but probably
still empty, files is, still, a complete and total straw man.

Please try to think a little about these things.  Your answer was the
kind of automaton-like regurgitation of a simplistic rule which I would
only have expected from a computer following an ill-conceived and
overly-strict recipe -- or maybe a manager who doesn't actually know how
to do the job himself. :-)

> Perhaps, but I want the option to ask it if it foresees any problems 
> with my actions.  If you don't like it, don't use it.

I didn't say you couldn't have such an "option" -- in fact you already
have it, in spades.

There are an almost infinite number of ways for you to ask if a new
filename is acceptable and not one of them requires any change of any
kind to the core CVS program.

Many of those possible ways don't even require software implementations.

CVS is not a substitute for management, nor a substitute for developer
communication, nor does it have a built-in process model.  And these are
all good things for it not to have too!

If your project requires strict file naming rules be followed then you
need to invent procedures and processes to help meet that requirement
but you should not even expect to look to CVS for help here.  The very
fact that you do suggests you think CVS is, or should be, something that
it is not.

That said you can in fact still implement technical controls that can
mandate a requirement like strict file naming rules, IFF you do it
through commitinfo scripting hooks.  If that's not sufficient for your
needs then CVS is not the right tool for (this part of) your project.

                                                Greg A. Woods

H:+1 416 218-0098  W:+1 416 489-5852 x122  VE3TCP  RoboHack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL 

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