On Thursday 24 February 2005 11:33 pm, Guus Leeuw jr. wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:info-cvs-
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David A. Bartmess
> > Sent: vendredi 25 février 2005 06:53
> >
> > On Thursday 24 February 2005 08:24 am, Jim.Hyslop wrote:
> > > rakesh mailgroups wrote:
> > > > does anyone know if the repository server having a different time
> > > > than local PCs will cause issues with CVS?
> > >
> > > None whatsoever. CVS was designed to be able to operate with
> >
> > workstations
> >
> > > in multiple time zones (unlike, say, Visual Source Safe). All times are
> > > converted to UTC before being stored in the repository.
> >
> > But if a local PC was used to work on files, having a current time at
> > checkin
> > of 11:30 MDT, and the server at time of checkin is 13:35 EDT, this could
> > seriously screw with any automation that relies on the datetime stamp to
> > know
> > if a build has already included that change (i.e., cruisecontrol).
> Uhm?
> EDT != UTC && MDT != UTC
> *All* CVS Client -> Server and Server -> Client communication is
> (virtually) done in UTC. Meaning, as Jim said, local PC uses MDT, talks to
> CVS server, and CVS server converts to UTC, and also CVS server uses UTC,
> talks to CVS client, and CVS client converts to MDT. The EDT settings of
> your server are totally unimportant within the CVS server!
> <proud>
> We (as in previous job) used to manage a CVS repo in Germany, and access it
> from within the States. No problems in timing *ever* occurred.
> </proud>

I was talking about the 5 minute difference in my example, though. Not in the 
timezone difference. Rakesh asked about a difference in "time". That could 
have weird consequences, depending on the usage on checkout...
David A. Bartmess
Software Configuration Manager / Sr. Software Developer
eDingo Enterprises
jSyncManager Development Team (http://www.jsyncmanager.org)
jSyncManager Email List
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