On Fri, Mar 04, 2005 at 02:42:56AM +0000, Pierre Asselin wrote:
> Greg A. Woods <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Multiple vendor branches CANNOT work for what you want.  Period.
> Maybe with the new "import -X" in cvs 1.12.x ?  This was touched
> upon briefly in another thread.

Thanks for the link, I'll check this. Unfortunately, I can't do this for
the current project since we use 1.11.1 and the server is administered
by other people (I suppose one needs 1.12 both on the client and the
server side; please correct me if this isn't the case).

> The multiple vendor branch was not funny, so I agree with Greg.
> I had to manually reset many "admin -b" values, move files in and
> out of the Attic (I think), etc.  When I got to the point where
> a plain trunk checkout gave me a current main-vendor release,
> I could start working.

Do I understand you correctly: it did work for you with import -b,
right? Do you mean it would be easier to do with normal branches,
applying upstream patches by hand and committing? In particular, I don't
see why you had to reset admin -b values and move files in / out of the
Attic; do you remember concrete scenarios?

With kind regards,

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