man bash:
              The two or three characters which  control  history
              expansion  and  tokenization (see HISTORY EXPANSION
              below).  The first character is the history  expan­
              sion  character,  the  character  which signals the
              start of a history expansion,  normally  `!'.   The
              second  character is the quick substitution charac­
              ter, which is used as shorthand for re-running  the
              previous  command  entered, substituting one string
              for another in the command.  The  default  is  `^'.
              The optional third character is the character which
              indicates that the remainder of the line is a  com­
              ment  when  found as the first character of a word,
              normally `#'.  The history comment character causes
              history  substitution to be skipped for the remain­
              ing words on the line.   It  does  not  necessarily
              cause  the  shell  parser  to treat the rest of the
              line as a comment.
the ^ bash command runs the previous command, substituting args
specified.  Not sure exactly how the substitution works tho.  Can you
post a snippet of the script?

On Wed, 9 Mar 2005 11:54:56 -0500, Jim.Hyslop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mark E. Hamilton wrote:
> > His error was:
> >
> >  >>bash: :s^blindmonkey  (date; cat; (sleep 2; cd
> >  >>/home/rublind/public_html/blindmonkey; cvs -q update -d) &) >>
> >  >>/var/chroot/cvs/cvs/CVSROOT/updatelog 2>&1: substitution failed
> [...]
> > in bash I get the same error
> >
> > -bash: :s^test: substitution failed
> Ah, my apologies, rublind, I missed the "substition failed" part of your
> message.
> --
> Jim Hyslop
> Senior Software Designer
> Leitch Technology International Inc. ( )
> Columnist, C/C++ Users Journal ( )
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