1. I set up a cvs repository in machine A.
2. I imported a project each from machine B and C into the repository using
        :ext:(ssh) access control.
3. I tried to import a project from machine A into the repository on machine
        A itself locally. cvs failed saying "can't create myproj directory,
        permission denied".
4. I tried to repeat the last part except I set CVS_RSH=ssh and used cvs -d
        :ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/repos even though I was importing in 
a local
        machine. And surprise! this trick worked.

I have used the same username from all 3 machines to import projects.

What am I missing? I couldn't get any clue from Cederqvist.

Today's fortune:
Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their
minds cannot change anything.
                -- G.B. Shaw

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