The best I can think of using CVS is to combine branch + tag1 as tagA,
combine tagA with tag2 as tagB, combine tagB with tag3 as tagC etc..

cvs co -r branchname -j branchname -j tag1 module
cvs tag tagA
cvs -j tagA -j tag2 module
cvs tag tagB
cvs -j tagB -j tag3 module
cvs tag tagC
.. and so on

Otherwise to cheat with something like:
cvs co -r branchname module
mv module module-0
cvs co -r tag1 module
mv module module-1
cvs co -r tag2 module
mv module module-2
cp -R module-1 module-0
cp -R module-2 module-0
mv module-0 module
cvs tag consolidated-tags-xxx module

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Sent: 29 March 2005 17:59
Subject: RE: Checkout's over checkouts.

Euan Guttridge wrote:
> Thanks for the input Jim and Rick, to clarify
> Objective:
> - check out a branch to workspace
> - *overwrite* a number of those files in workspace from 
> various tags (not
> update so there is no possibility of merge conflicts)
> - tag the consolidated workspace
> Caveats:
> - I can't specify tagged files by name (too many)
> - I will use two or more tag sets (of potentially 20 + files each)

Thanks for the clarification.

If you are starting with a fresh checkout, then you do not need to worry
about any kind of merge conflict. Conflicts only occur when you have
modified a file that is about to be merged. If you have not modified the
file locally, then there will be no conflict.

[EUAN] That may occur if tag1 contains the same files as tag2

Objective 2 seems to conflict with Caveat 1. How will you determine which
files to overwrite? Also, how frequently will you do this - is this a
one-time task, or will this be done more than once?

[EUAN] A number of files will have the same tag, i.e. if you check out tag1
you will get 20 files. This will be done weekly.

Jim Hyslop
Senior Software Designer
Leitch Technology International Inc. ( )
Columnist, C/C++ Users Journal ( )


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