Web based - Java. We use branches and it is to avoid merging only.
Each task have some modified and some new files. We send mails for
each task.
    If editing Entries file is so problematic it is better to have
another working copy where testing passed files are checked out and
    Here the problem is the onsite guy is not a techie. It is
difficult convince him of all the process. If I could give a script to
delete files of failed tasks, he can safely delete the file and remove
CVS entry. Now he is using 'rm' to delete the file and tags it. It is
our job to untag the failed tasks files and is time consuming for us.

Thanks for all the help.

On Mar 31, 2005 8:12 PM, Jim.Hyslop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Antony Paul wrote:
> > I work on a maintenance project. There will be more than one task
> > delivered at one time. The onsite guy will checkout the files by task,
> > and test. If a task is OK then the working copy is tagged by task
> > number. If any of the task is not working and it is a new file that
> > has to be deleted in order to not tag this with other tasks. That task
> > may be left untouched for several days till it is fixed and new tasks
> > may be delivered in between. So it is difficult to document and
> > exclude these files over a period of time. It will be nice if I could
> > give a script to delete the files.
> This all sounds very manually-intensive, and therefore error-prone. Writing
> scripts is the right thing to do, but writing a script to edit the Entries
> file is asking for trouble. If you insist on editing the Entries file,
> sooner or later something *will* go wrong and you'll waste several days
> trying to sort it out.
> What is the nature of your project - is it a web site, or a program with C
> or C++ source files, or...? When you say "checkout the files by task", how
> do you define which files to check out? Do you use branches and tags, or
> some other mechanism?
> --
> Jim Hyslop
> Senior Software Designer
> Leitch Technology International Inc. ( http://www.leitch.com )
> Columnist, C/C++ Users Journal ( http://www.cuj.com/experts )

Antony Paul

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