On Sun, Apr 03, 2005 at 12:29:48AM -0500, Russ Sherk wrote:
Doug Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>This process has worked fine except for the occasional issue with
>a file being renamed in the repo by something to the same name with
>different letter casing, my best solution to which has been a little
>hand-editing of CVS/Entries files in sandboxes (despite many
>remonstrances against this in a recent thread on this list).

Regarding case changes of filenames.  What version of windows are you
using when the filenames change case?  What filesystem is on the thumb

I use Win98 and Win XP.  Both read the thumb drive, and I never
changed the format of the thumb.  Not sure what OS one would say is on
the thumb drive though.

Win98 will sometimes change filenames but NT/2k(3)/XP should not.  If
it is the latter, I would suggest that it is an application that
modifies the filename, not the OS.  Windows 98 however, does like to
change filenames (FILE.TXT becomes File.txt).  There is a checkbox in
Explorer->View->Allow All Uppercase file names.

I think it's a mixture, but yes, I'm sure an app is to blame
sometimes.  I don't know what on earth is case-changing directory
names though; that's sure inconvenient when the host OS for the repo
is a Unix variant...

Doug Lee           [EMAIL PROTECTED]        http://www.dlee.org
BART Group         [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.bartsite.com
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