DHARNA, AJAY [AG/1000] wrote:
> Does anyone know whether the "I HATE YOU" message can be changed?
> "Error validating location: "I/O" exception occurred: 
> Connection refused: I HATE YOU"
> Whether it is possible to either change or capture this 
> message and then display a more appropriate message to the end user.
That's up to the client. Which client are you using?

The documented client-server protocol states that the server responds to a
good authentication with "I LOVE YOU" and to a bad authentication with "I
HATE YOU". However, that protocol is strictly between the client program and
the server program - what the client application displays to the end user is
entirely independent of the protocol.

The client available at cvshome.org - which this list primarily discusses -
displays a message like "cvs [command]: authorization failed: server
[servername] rejected access to [repository] for user [username]"

Jim Hyslop
Senior Software Designer
Leitch Technology International Inc. ( http://www.leitch.com )
Columnist, C/C++ Users Journal ( http://www.cuj.com/experts )

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