A followup to my message, the recurring error I see reported is:  unrecognized keyword 'UseNewInfoFmtStrings'
my error reads like:
The server reported an error while performing the "cvs commit" command.
  myproject: cvs server: /local/cvs/repository/CVSROOT/config: unrecognized keyword 'UseNewInfoFmtStrings'
  myproject: cvs commit: Up-to-date check failed for `InterfaceFiles/_FileUploadInterface/com/company/filesinterface/_tie_FileUploadInterface.class'
  myproject: cvs [commit aborted]: correct above errors first!
my original question:
Hey, I'm using eclipse to keep some files synchronized during a project using cvs 1.11.9.  And when I synchronize, cvs keeps reporting that many of my files are always out of synch, even if I have just synchronized them?  THe prime offender seems to be vsser.scc; it is reported as in both the local directory and remotely, yet shows up as out of synch.
Now, the only oddity about this repository is that I have to sftp the files up and then import them.  Then synchronize with my eclipse repository.  But if I attempt it any other way, cvs errors out; if I commit from eclipse I get an error pertaining to #cvs.lock for example.  When I import from cvs it corrupts my lib files (some are zip files).
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