Spiro Trikaliotis wrote:

* On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 11:45:30AM +0200 Matthias Kaeppler wrote:

However, especially in early phases of development, revising single files is sort of too granular, because the changes are so huge.
It would be a lot better, if the versioning would happen on the module base, i.e. you can commit the content of your sandbox as a new version of your program rather than new versions of the individual files.

AFAIK, this is not possible with CVS. Anyway, Subversion, which many
people regard as a replacement for CVS, has exactly the feature you are


Is subversion free software? Anyway, I just ask out of curiosity, it's pretty sure that I'll be using CVS I guess, if just for the sake of getting familiar with it because almost every open source project relies on CVS.

Thanks for the hint though.

Matthias Kaeppler
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