Hi !

If I'm right understand you task, module aliases may help you.

You need two modules in CVS:

In module "widget" you store widget sources
In module "myprog" only your programm sources

In file $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/modules write lines:
myprog myprog #module for progremm sources
widget widget #module for widget
widget-for-myprog -d myprog/widget widget #alias to plase widget sources in 
subdir uder myprog dir
myprog-widget -a myprog widget-for-myprog #alias to checkout myprog with widget

Now when you'll checkout module widget - you'll have widget directory on
When yoy'll checkout module myprog-widget  - you'll have myprog directory
with subdirectory widget on sandbox.

Victor A. Prylipko


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matthias Kaeppler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: gnu.cvs.help
To: <info-cvs@gnu.org>
Sent: 14 ?????? 2005 ?. 15:54
Subject: Re: Modules which depend on each other -- how to handle?

> Matthias Kaeppler wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm completely new to CVS so please forgive me any ignorant questions :)
> >
> > My problem is:
> >
> > I want to version-control two of my projects. One is a gtkmm widget, and
> > the other a gtkmm application, which uses this widget (I need to have
> > them in separate places though, because I might need to make changes to
> > the widget source code for the application which are extensions specific
> > to that app).
> >
> > That means, I need the source code of the widget (the first CVS module)
> > always at hand in the sandboxes for the application. I have no idea how
> > I can make cvs doing this automatically for me, i.e. everytime I
> > checkout the newest version of the app, cvs should also fetch the newest
> > version of the widget source and put it in place.
> >
> > Can you help me here?
> >
> Hm, no answers so far, okay, let me tell you how I intend to handle it
> and you tell me if that's good or bad.
> My idea is to keep the widget as an own module in the repository, and
> add files to the program module which contain a widget definition
> derived from the one cvs controls for me. So I have solved the first
> problem, in that I have the extensions to the widget which are specific
> to the program in separate files and always in the right module.
> I could then checkout the program module, enter the sandbox and in there
> checkout the module for the original, unmodified widget.
> In my program I would only work with the files which contain the
> definition of the derived widget, so the program sandbox could look like
> this:
> program.cpp
> program.hpp
> custom_widget.cpp
> custom_widget.hpp
> widget/
> whereas widget/ is the sandbox for the original, unmodified widget from
> which custom_widget inherits.
> Okay, this is getting very specific now, but I guess this is a common
> problem which can be further generalized.
> If I have more than one separate module on which my program depends, I
> could write a checkout/release script which handles the imports for me.
> However, I hoped CVS has a built-in mechanism for handling project
> dependencies from the same repository.
> Any comments?
> -- 
> Matthias Kaeppler
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