Jim.Hyslop wrote:
> Ivan Ivanov wrote:
>>I successfully set up my cvs server to send email when
>>a file is commited by following the instructions from
>>Karl Fogel's book:
> ...
>>However, I still wonder if it is possible to send the
>>diff between the file version that is in the
>>repository and the version that is just commmited and
>>if it is possible can you explain me how to do it.
> Hint: the script can receive the name, pre-commit revision and post-commit
> revision for each file checked in. See
> https://www.cvshome.org/docs/manual/cvs-1.11.19/cvs_18.html#SEC173 for
> details.

Or see:


for a ready made solution.


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http://redux.org.uk/                                 -- William Blake

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