Ritesh_Srivastava wrote:
> I need to install CVS for our software development. At the 
> same time, a team sitting across globe would also be using 
> the same CVS server for version control
> Under the circumstances, will it be good to install CVS on 
> Windows or UNIX? What are the pros and cons ofn installing 
> CVS on Windows or UNIX systems?
The distributed nature of your development is probably not a prime
consideration when choosing Windows vs. UNIX. Both platforms will handle the
system equally well.

Your choice of O/S really depends on you. I think the prime consideration
should be: which O/S are your sys admins more familiar with?

Jim Hyslop
Senior Software Designer
Leitch Technology International Inc. ( http://www.leitch.com )
Columnist, C/C++ Users Journal ( http://www.cuj.com/experts )

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