What is the syntax for creating a module alias when there is a space in the
module name?

For example, if my repository has a root directory named "spaced name"
(without the quotes), how would I define an alias for it in CVSROOT/modules?
I'm able to checkout and commit files from modules with spaces in their
names, but I hadn't actually gone through the effort of adding their names
to the modules file.  When I tried, I couldn't get it to work properly.

I tried these three techniques, but they didn't work:
    "my alias" -a "spaced name"
    'my alias' -a 'spaced name'
    my\ alias -a spaced\ name

BTW, "didn't work" means that the "Fetch List" button in my Windows
TortoiseCVS client didn't give me "my alias" as a module name.  Instead it
gave me the portion of the alias line preceding the first blank.  The server
is running on Linux, accessed through the :ext: protocol.

Is this a TortoiseCVS issue?

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