If all your users have ssh access, then you are almost there (Hint: access method is "ext", be sure to set the rsh tool to ssh). But please see the excellent documentation on access methods in the cvs dox.

Anonymous access via pserver is a bit more complicated, but well documented too.

Hope that helps


Am 22.04.2005 um 20:31 schrieb twoeyedhuman1111:

I initialized CVS by
1)  Installing the latest rpm for linux
2)  Established /usr/local/cvs-rep/
3)  Set environment var CVSROOT="/usr/local/cvs-rep"
4)  cvs init

Is my server ready for people to connect over the internet into it and
manage projects?

(I'm guessing it isn't, but I don't know what to do next.)

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