I'm trying to find out what files a tag owns and then inturn find out what
tags a specific file belongs to. The problem is that I need to do this
without checking out the file every time. I am trying to set up a
notification system for ant builds for some code that is moving from a
development environment to production environment. The person preforming
the move is not a developer so the build itself needs to warn them that
the file has been modified by multiple tags recently and there could be a
conflict with a version on the production machine.
Any ideas welcomed,
* Yolan (Aaron Jackson) [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
* http://mlug.missouri.edu/~yolan/ *
* AIM: YolanLINUX, YolanOTHER, YolanLAPTOP *
* ICQ: 74624109 *
* Doubling Technologies *
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