Thanks a lot for your reminding.

 - host OS information for server: Redhat 9
 - host OS information for client: Window 2000
 - server version of cvs: cvs 1.11.6
 - client version of cvs: wincvs 1.3
 - nature of commitinfo, verifymsg, loginfo scripts being used (if any):
in the attachment

additional information: the error comes up after the commit is succeeded
and version number is changed.
                                and error does not always comes up every
time. but sometimes alternately or every three time.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark D.
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 2:46 PM
To: Yu He
Cc:; Peixiao Guo
Subject: Re: cvs error: received broken pipe signal 

Hash: SHA1

Yu He <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi all:
> After commit,always receive the following error message,
> cvs [server aborted]: received broken pipe signal
> What's the reason?
> Thanks a lot in advance!

You have provided insufficient information as to your configuration.

At a guess, you might not be reading all of the stdin being provided to
your cvs trigger scripts.

For better guesses, information like:

 - host OS information for server
 - host OS information for client
 - server version of cvs
 - client version of cvs
 - nature of commitinfo, verifymsg, loginfo scripts being used (if any)

is desirable.

        -- Mark
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (FreeBSD)

lappend auto_path /usr/local/ActiveTcl/lib;
# commitCheck.tcl
set user [lindex $argv 0];
set repository [lindex $argv 1];
set fileList [lrange $argv 2 end];
puts "Attempting commit:\n${argv}\nUser:$user Repos:$repository 
set checkoutAll 0;
switch $user {
   "heyu" -
   "ldong" {
      puts "Permission always granted to the mighty CVSAdmin!";
        #Source cvsDb.tcl for history recording
        #source [file join $env(CVSROOT) CVSROOT cvsDb.tcl]; 
        puts "Recording history";
        #appendHist [list action COMMIT username $user repository "$repository" 
comment "Commit: $fileList"] Y;
      exit 0;
   default {
    puts "Verifying permissions...";
if { [catch {
   #Temporary controls until we can import actual scripts:
   switch -regexp $repository {
      "^/cvsroot/database/oracle/gtss2" -
      "^/cvsroot/database/oracle/gtss2/*" {
         puts "Commits to this repository currently disabled.  Contact 
administrator (4-2062) for more info."
         exit 1;
   switch -regexp $repository {

     "^/usr/local/cvsroot/project/dev" {
         switch $user {
            "id" {
               puts "Permission Granted- Development Area";
               puts "Have a nice day."            
            default {
               puts "You don't have permission to commit to Development.";
               exit 1;

       "^/usr/local/cvsroot/project/qa" {
         switch $user {
            "id" -
            "id2" -
            "id3" {
               puts "Permission Granted- qa Area";
               puts "Have a nice day."            
            default {
               puts "You don't have permission to commit to qa.";
               exit 1;

      default {
         switch $user {
            default {
               puts "You don't have permission to commit to this project 
(${repository}).  Contact administrator."
               exit 1;
} ret] } {
   puts "CVS Server error. Email me with this info:$::errorInfo";
   exit 1;
} else {
   #if {$checkoutAll == 1} {
   #   exec /cvsroot/CVSROOT/checkoutAll.tcl &;
   exit 0;
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