On Mon, 20 Nov 2000, Tristan Ball wrote:

> Note: this is not something I have tried, or even wish to, as my largest
> cyrus email server handles 250 users at the moment, easily handled by a
> Sun E450. :-)
> I've seen the messages poo-pooing using NFS for cyrus, and the reasons
> make sense, my question is would another shared filesystem, like
> samba/smb/smbfs under linux be acceptable, or would I have I be better
> off using a proper distributed filesystem like coda? 
> Just curious. If you choose to respond, would you be so kind as to CC my
> personal address, as I don't read this list as often as I would like. 
> Thank you.

My understanding is that Cyrus IMAPD itself is designed as a central
mailboxes (a special kind of files, in a way) server.
So it makes little sense to put the mailboxes themselves on a different
(central) server.  Having a NFS server re-exporting a SMB-mounted FS
is quite a nonsense... (unless you're really forced to do so, but be also
prepared to pay a price in performance and functionality). Think of IMAP
just like another network file service. Building it on top of other one
is bad practice.

See also:
(I can't find a way to reach this document from http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus,
but there's a link in the doc directory of the source distribution).

      ____/  ____/   /
     /      /       /                   Marco Colombo
    ___/  ___  /   /                  Technical Manager
   /          /   /                      ESI s.r.l.
 _____/ _____/  _/                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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