Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 16:07:49 -0500
   From: Ken Murchison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Organization: Oceana Matrix Ltd.

   What makes you think that it is incompatible?  The reconstruct.c source
   was updated prior to 2.0.3 and seems to work just fine with the current
   code from CVS.

   In fact, just before posting this, I removed
   '/var/spool/imap/user/test/cyrus.*' on my server and then ran
   'reconstruct user.test' and all is fine.

I think they're referring to the -m option to reconstruct the
mailboxes database, which stopped working when we went to Berkeley db.

Since we've never used -m, it hasn't been way up there on our list of
priorities.  (Running reconstruct -m on our main server would probably
take hours, if not days.)

Rewriting it so that "-m" just scans all the spool directories and
recreates mailboxes.db, ignoring the existing one, shouldn't be so


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