Cillian Sharkey wrote:
> Some time in the near future I will be converting a POP3 site over to IMAP
> using Cyrus. I plan on using Exim on the external mail host to deliver
> mail by LMTP over TCP to the internal imap server. Should I use 1.6.x
> or 2.0.x? If 2.0.x is just as stable as 1.6.x, then I will use it.
2.0.7 is pretty stable. The CVS version fixes a couple of little bugs. If
you have a large site you might prefer to leave 2.0.x for a month or two
though, since some volume-related issues still seem to come up from time to
time as people move across.

> Is there going to be any serious effort made WRT documentation and the web
> pages? i.e. bring them up to date with latest product versions, get a web
> archive of the info-cyrus mailing list (I'm aware of the IMAP i/f to it),
The docs with 2.0.7 are actually pretty good. Have a look in the docs/
directory in the distribution.

There is a web archive of the list at:

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