Easiest way is just to telnet to port 143 on the imap server.  The 
short welcome line includes the version number.

-- Rob

--On Thursday, February 01, 2001 10:15:55 AM -0500 Chris Blackstone 

> I'm beginning the process of upgrading our email server that was setup
> by a person no longer with my organization. First order of business is
> upgrading cyrus, but I'm having trouble determining exactly which
> version of cyrus was installed. How does one find this out?
> Thanks in advance,
> Chris
> --
> <whoami name="chris blackstone" title="web services coordinator">
> Arlington Public Schools
> 1426 N. Quincy St.
> Arlington, VA 22207
> Phone:  703.228.6185
> Fax:    703.875.9491
> Pager:  703.612.3042
> http://www.arlington.k12.va.us

       _ _ _ _           _    _ _ _ _ _
      /\_\_\_\_\        /\_\ /\_\_\_\_\_\
     /\/_/_/_/_/       /\/_/ \/_/_/_/_/_/  QUIDQUID LATINE DICTUM SIT,
    /\/_/__\/_/ __    /\/_/    /\/_/          PROFUNDUM VIDITUR
   /\/_/_/_/_/ /\_\  /\/_/    /\/_/
  /\/_/ \/_/  /\/_/_/\/_/    /\/_/         (Whatever is said in Latin
  \/_/  \/_/  \/_/_/_/_/     \/_/              appears profound)

  Rob Tanner
  UNIX and Networks Manager
  Linfield College, McMinnville OR
  (503) 434-2558 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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