Sometimes fetching mail vom Cyrus POP3 v1.5.19 doesn`t work. (Ok, I am
going to switch to V2.x soon but in the meantime...)
 The "pop3-download" stops at a certain mail when using fetchmail. (Some
users insist on using pop3 :-(. But the mail where fetchmail/cyrus-pop3
stops isn`t really special at all. 
 After a reconstruct of the Mailbox, everything works fine again, i.e.
all mails can be downloaded. (Actually the mailbox wasn`t damaged (IMAP
 This problem only occurs when using slow (telephone) connections.
Downloading a bunch of mails over a 100Mbit line only takes seconds
without problems.
 Using the imap-protocol this problem doesn't exist either.

Does anyone experience similar problems using fetchmail with pop3 over
slow lines? 
Any help would be appreciated.


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