I use squirrelmail 1.0 on linux RH7 with cyrus 2.0.11 without any problem
but we are only 20 users ...
I am very interresting of the result of your upgrade.

----- Original Message -----
From: Andy Hubbell, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 2:12 PM
Subject: squirrelmail 1.01 and cyrus-imapd 2.0.9

> I've discovered an interesting (ahem) feature of squirrelmail
(http://www.squirrelmail.org/) web based email client...   It seems to be
killing my cyrus-imapd, I can log in to imap via squirrel but it freezes all
of the processes (both pop3 and imap) of cyrus immediately!  (I'm assuming
this is affecting the master process since it still listens on the socket
but does not spawn or attach an appropriate child to the socket...  Nothing
actually core dumps or anything.)
> Warning, do not try this on a mail server that has 4000 users...  (The
results are not pretty)
> Is this a bug of the 2.0.9 imapd or something squirrel is doing wrong?  I
plan on attempting to upgrade to 2.0.11 today to see.
> ---
> PGP public key fingerprint
> FC3A FD71 8A43 E510 8797  6FD8 918C 1D54 17D9 9EC1

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