Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2001 15:07:34 -0500
   From: Bitt Faulk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   I found the problem.  Sort of.

   The usage of a static number for the STATUS_FD and LISTEN_FDs seem to be
   causing problems.  I can't define exactly how its doing it, but those
   descriptors are being redefined somehow, and the data ends up being sent
   to the wrong place.  It also looks like there might be some times when
   wrong data is sent to the right place.  I think I saw an instance of a
   syslog() passing its data to what I assume it thought its syslog socket
   was on fd3, which had already been dup2()'d over.

Aha!  This is it.  limit_fds() calls syslog() before we reserve fd 3
and 4 for communicating with the children.

Thanks very much.  Please try the attached patch.  (The important part
is that limit_fds() is called after reserving fds 0-4.)



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