I am running cyrus-imapd-1.6.24 along with postfix under Red Hat Linux
7.0 on a li'l old i386.  Most of the time it works flawlessly, but
occasionally a delivery dies with a log entry like the following:
  Feb 15 15:03:46 heidegger deliver[8181]: checkdelivered:
  error opening delivered database: /var/imap/deliverdb/deliver-j.db:
  Resource temporarily unavailable
This only occurs when a mail is being sent to multiple local users.  The
mail is actually successfully delivered.  A web search revealed that
several sites had experienced "Resource temporarily unavailable" errors
associated with a failure to fork, and were able to fix them by
increasing the allowed number of user processes.  But my error says
nothing about a failure to fork, and I have not set any limit on the
number of user processes.  Can someone suggest what might be going on
and how to fix it?

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