  I think I have install cyrus-imapd-2.0.12 successfully.  I can deliver
email and retrieve email from an imap clients very well.  My problem is when
a message is delivered to an non-existant user, deliver ( lmtp) always
returns "data format error".

  In looking at the deliver.c, the last txn return value tested is PERMFAIL
and the return is EC_DATAFAIL.  I'm not a programmer, but I't looks like the
return failure codes are mixed up somewhere.

  My setup is redhat 7.0 with the latest updates, PostFix-20010204,
Cyrus-imap-2.0.12.  All file systems are reiserfs with the /var/spool/imap
on a SoftwareRaid configuration.  I am migrating from a redhat6.0,
imap-1.6.24 and with the /var/spool/imap on a SoftwareRaid.

Have I missed something...

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